VIC Lions Foundation
Mobile: 0438 501 945
A Victorian Lions Club Project
The VLF does not give donations to other organisations, bodies or individuals. Funds are designated to:

The Victorian Lions Foundation Inc. is a combined project of the Australian ‘V’ Districts. These encompass the State of Victoria and the Southern part of New South Wales. The primary role of the foundation is to support the development of Health and Welfare Programs for these Lions Club Districts.

Mission Statement
We support the development of Health and Welfare Programmes for the benefit of the population within the five Lions Club Districts encompassing Victoria and Southern New South Wales, and to support medical research to improve health throughout the world.
The primary role of the Foundation is to create a Capital Fund to support the creation of major programmes through liaison with Lions Clubs, Charitable Trusts and Corporations.
The Foundation shall also support those Projects which come under the auspices of the Foundation from time to time.
Download the Purposes and Rules (rev. Feb 2013) here
If you wish to honour a member of your club who has dedicated their time to sight related projects, present them with a Leo Tyquin Award.
Leo Tyquin Award – Download the PDF Application Form
Past International Director Leo Francis Tyquin was born in Werribee on 9th June 1924 and passed away 10th September 2001. He joined Lions as a member of Mordialloc-Mentone in 1968 and held the offices of Club President, Zone Chairman and District Governor. He served as Multiple District Council Chairman and International Director in 1984-86.
Leo attended 20 International Conventions and was presenter at the Council Chairman’s Workshop at the Montreal and Chicago Conventions. He was a keynote speaker at the 10th and 15th Charter Anniversary of Lionism in Indonesia and at Conventions in England, Wales, India, Sri Lanka and New Zealand. Leo received many awards including the International Leadership Award, the Association’s Ambassador of Goodwill Award, the highest honour given by the Association to a member. He was a Life Member, a Melvin Jones Fellow, a Life Member of the Lloyd Morgan Trust in New Zealand and No 1 Governor of the Victorian Lions Foundation.

Leo was passionate about the Lion’s Village at Licola as he was one of the early pioneers of the conversion to a children’s and general purpose camp. Leo’s pride was the Lion’s Eye Bank, an integral part of Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital’s facilities. He reminded people constantly that the Eye Bank was an initiative of his own Mordialloc-Mentone Club-being personally instrumental in its establishment in 1983. Leo Tyquin was a man who only saw good in people, and who tried to do good for people. Leo will always be remembered for being a truly fine person and also for the excellent and tireless work he did for so many.
Past International Director Leo was a conscientious Lions member giving unlimited support to the VICTORIAN LIONS FOUNDATION.