Leo Program
As the youngest members of the Lions organisation, Leos are devoted young people who realise the power of action. Through service to their community, they make the world a better place and find their own lives improved too.
Leo clubs may be based within a school or in the local community. A member of the sponsoring Lions club is appointed as a Leo Club Advisor, and school-based clubs will often also have a staff member to assist.
Why choose Leos?
There are a lot of ways people can give back to their community — but being a Leo is much more than just service. Choosing Leo clubs will help you grow as an individual and as a leader as you join a global family of young people making the world a better place. Watch the winners of our annual Leo Video Contest, the Leos of El Kantoui Leo Club, share why they chose Leos.
Watch the video about LEOs HERE
Is your club interested in developing a new Leos Club?
Download these documents to find out more about what a Leo Club is.